Great news for Connecticut vehicle buyers and sellers. New Bi-fuel vehicles are now legal in the state of Connecticut. Below is the letter from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) clarifying the rules. Please take a look and spread the news.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
December 2013 Question of the Month
Question of the Month: What is the current status of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and how do the new 2014 proposed requirements differ from previous years’?
Answer: The national RFS program was developed to increase the volume of renewable fuel blended into transportation fuels. As required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized RFS1 program regulations, which became effective on Sept. 1, 2007. The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 increased and expanded this standard through RFS2, mandating that by 2022, 36 billion gallons of renewable fuel be blended into transportation fuels. Though EISA set final volume requirements, EPA must determine renewable fuel percentage values annually to meet the requirements. Fuels are broken down as follows:
Total renewable fuel: The total amount of renewable fuel required to be blended into the fuel supply each year, which includes conventional and advanced biofuels (defined below). Conventional biofuel volume requirements are simply the total renewable fuel volume requirements minus the advanced biofuel volume requirements. While EISA specified volume requirements for most categories through 2022, the statute allows EPA to reduce these volumes under certain conditions (see below for further discussion). Each renewable fuel category is described below.
Obligated Parties
Any party that produces gasoline or petroleum diesel for use as transportation fuel in the United States, including refiners, importers, and blenders (other than oxygenate blenders), is considered an obligated party under the RFS program. Each year, EPA determines the Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO) for obligated parties. The RVO is calculated as a percentage, by dividing the amount of renewable fuel (gallons) required by the RFS2 for a given year by the amount of transportation fuel expected to be used during that year.
Volume Requirements and Percentage Standards
While EISA specified most volume requirements through 2022, the law did not address the biomass-based diesel requirement beyond 2012 and left some flexibility on the cellulosic biofuel requirement. The statute also allows EPA to change requirements under certain conditions, including when (1) the projected production of cellulosic biofuel in any year is less than the volume specified in EISA or (2) conditions are met under the general waiver authority provided by the Clean Air Act.
In 2013, EPA requires obligated parties to meet the following volume requirements collectively. Also included are the associated RVO percentages.
On Nov. 15, 2013, EPA published a proposed rule to establish new volume requirements and associated percentage standards for 2014. For the first time, EPA is requesting comments on a range of volumes for each renewable fuel category to determine a final requirement (see table below). Also for the first time, the proposed total renewable fuel volume requirement is lower than statutory levels mandated in EISA to resolve compliance concerns related to the ethanol consumption "blend wall" (discussed below) and renewable fuel production constraints. The table below outlines the proposed new volume requirements and the associated RVO percentages.
Ethanol Blend Wall The ethanol “blend wall” refers to the difficulty of incorporating an increasing amount of ethanol into the transportation fuel supply at percentages exceeding 10%. Almost all gasoline sold in the United States is E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline). While blends as high as E15 (15% ethanol, 85% gasoline) can be used in some conventional vehicles, these blends are difficult to market on a widespread basis because they can be used only in flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) and model year 2001 and newer vehicles due to equipment compatibility issues. Additionally, “E85” (51%–83% ethanol blended with gasoline) and other mid-level ethanol blends can be used only in FFVs. EPA has proposed the lower advanced biofuel and total renewable fuel volume requirements above for 2014 due to the anticipated inability of the market to supply the Congressionally mandated volume of renewable fuels to consumers in 2014.
In conjunction with the 2014 volume requirements and percentage standards, EPA is also considering a joint petition from the American Petroleum Institute and the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, as well as individual petitions from several refining companies, requesting a partial waiver of the 2014 applicable volumes under RFS2. EPA is collecting comments on both issues through Jan. 28, 2014.
Here is the proposed rule and EPA fact sheet.
Additional information can be found on the EPA RFS2 and Alternative Fuels Data Center RFS Program websites.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Answer: The national RFS program was developed to increase the volume of renewable fuel blended into transportation fuels. As required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized RFS1 program regulations, which became effective on Sept. 1, 2007. The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 increased and expanded this standard through RFS2, mandating that by 2022, 36 billion gallons of renewable fuel be blended into transportation fuels. Though EISA set final volume requirements, EPA must determine renewable fuel percentage values annually to meet the requirements. Fuels are broken down as follows:
Total renewable fuel: The total amount of renewable fuel required to be blended into the fuel supply each year, which includes conventional and advanced biofuels (defined below). Conventional biofuel volume requirements are simply the total renewable fuel volume requirements minus the advanced biofuel volume requirements. While EISA specified volume requirements for most categories through 2022, the statute allows EPA to reduce these volumes under certain conditions (see below for further discussion). Each renewable fuel category is described below.
- Conventional biofuel: Any fuel derived from approved sources of renewable biomass that reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 20% from baseline petroleum GHG emissions. Conventional biofuels are generally produced from starch-based feedstocks (e.g., corn, sorghum, wheat).
- Advanced biofuel: Any fuel derived from approved renewable biomass, excluding corn starch-based ethanol. Biomass-based diesel and cellulosic biofuel volume requirements fall under this overarching advanced biofuel category. Note that remaining advanced biofuel volume requirements not met by cellulosic and biomass-based diesel can be met with other advanced biofuels, and cellulosic biofuel and biomass-based diesel volumes that exceed their volume requirements also may be used to meet the advanced biofuel quota. Other advanced biofuels may include sugarcane-based fuels, renewable diesel co-processed with petroleum, and other biofuels that may exist in the future. Advanced biofuels must reduce GHG emissions by at least 50% from baseline petroleum GHG emissions.
- Cellulosic biofuel: Any fuel derived from cellulose, hemicellulose, or lignin. These fuels must reduce GHG emissions by at least 60% from baseline petroleum GHG emissions.
- Biomass-based diesel: A diesel fuel substitute made from renewable feedstocks, including biodiesel and nonester renewable diesel (diesel produced from animal- and plant-based fats, oils, and greases). It cannot be co-processed with petroleum; however, those fuels fall under the general advanced biofuels category. Biomass-based diesel must reduce GHG emissions by at least 50% from baseline petroleum GHG emissions.
Obligated Parties
Any party that produces gasoline or petroleum diesel for use as transportation fuel in the United States, including refiners, importers, and blenders (other than oxygenate blenders), is considered an obligated party under the RFS program. Each year, EPA determines the Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO) for obligated parties. The RVO is calculated as a percentage, by dividing the amount of renewable fuel (gallons) required by the RFS2 for a given year by the amount of transportation fuel expected to be used during that year.
Volume Requirements and Percentage Standards
While EISA specified most volume requirements through 2022, the law did not address the biomass-based diesel requirement beyond 2012 and left some flexibility on the cellulosic biofuel requirement. The statute also allows EPA to change requirements under certain conditions, including when (1) the projected production of cellulosic biofuel in any year is less than the volume specified in EISA or (2) conditions are met under the general waiver authority provided by the Clean Air Act.
In 2013, EPA requires obligated parties to meet the following volume requirements collectively. Also included are the associated RVO percentages.
Final Volume Requirements for 2013 | ||
Category | Volume | Percentage |
Cellulosic biofuel | 14 million gallons | 0.008% |
Biomass-based diesel | 1.28 million gallons | 1.12% |
Advanced biofuel | 2.75 billion gallons | 1.60% |
Total renewable fuel | 16.55 billion gallons | 9.63% |
On Nov. 15, 2013, EPA published a proposed rule to establish new volume requirements and associated percentage standards for 2014. For the first time, EPA is requesting comments on a range of volumes for each renewable fuel category to determine a final requirement (see table below). Also for the first time, the proposed total renewable fuel volume requirement is lower than statutory levels mandated in EISA to resolve compliance concerns related to the ethanol consumption "blend wall" (discussed below) and renewable fuel production constraints. The table below outlines the proposed new volume requirements and the associated RVO percentages.
Proposed Volume Requirements for 2014 | |||
Category | Volume | Percentage | Range |
Cellulosic biofuel | 17 million gallons | 0.010% | 8-30 million gallons |
Biomass-based diesel | 1.28 billion gallons | 1.16% | 1.28 billion gallons |
Advanced biofuel | 2.20 billion gallons | 1.33% | 2-2.51 billion gallons |
Total renewable fuel | 15.21 billion gallons | 9.20% | 15-15.52 billions gallons |
Ethanol Blend Wall The ethanol “blend wall” refers to the difficulty of incorporating an increasing amount of ethanol into the transportation fuel supply at percentages exceeding 10%. Almost all gasoline sold in the United States is E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline). While blends as high as E15 (15% ethanol, 85% gasoline) can be used in some conventional vehicles, these blends are difficult to market on a widespread basis because they can be used only in flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) and model year 2001 and newer vehicles due to equipment compatibility issues. Additionally, “E85” (51%–83% ethanol blended with gasoline) and other mid-level ethanol blends can be used only in FFVs. EPA has proposed the lower advanced biofuel and total renewable fuel volume requirements above for 2014 due to the anticipated inability of the market to supply the Congressionally mandated volume of renewable fuels to consumers in 2014.
In conjunction with the 2014 volume requirements and percentage standards, EPA is also considering a joint petition from the American Petroleum Institute and the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, as well as individual petitions from several refining companies, requesting a partial waiver of the 2014 applicable volumes under RFS2. EPA is collecting comments on both issues through Jan. 28, 2014.
Here is the proposed rule and EPA fact sheet.
Additional information can be found on the EPA RFS2 and Alternative Fuels Data Center RFS Program websites.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Monday, November 25, 2013
Current Connecticut Building Codes
Any new electric vehicle charging station, as known as electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), requires a permit. You can find the pdf application here.
As mandated by the Connecticut General Statues § 29-252, the State Building Inspector and the Codes and Standards Committee are responsible for adopting a State Building Code based on a nationally recognized model building code.
Currently Connecticut uses the 2003 International Residential Code and the 2005 National Electrical Code for building and structures. The 2013 Amendment stated the codes will be updated to the 2009 International Residential Code and the 2011 National Electrical Code along with Connecticut Code Changes. The effect was supposed to take effect October 1, 2013, but because of issues in the administration review process, there is a delay. Anticipated implementation date is now December 31, 2013.
To find out more please check the Office of the State Building Inspector website.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Clean Cities Offers Fleets New Tool to Evaluate Benefits of Alternative Fuel Vehicles
If you are interested in this tool and need help, please call Lee Grannis at 203.627.3715.
Clean Cities is providing fleets a new tool to calculate payback periods and emissions benefits of alternative fuel vehicles.
Developed by Argonne National Laboratory, the Alternative Fuel Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Transportation (AFLEET) Tool can help a fleet estimate vehicles’ petroleum use, greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions, and total cost of ownership.
The AFLEET Tool provides three calculation options:
- The Simple Payback Calculator uses acquisition and annual operating costs to calculate the payback period for purchasing a new alternative fuel vehicle relative to a comparable conventional vehicle; it also calculates the vehicle’s average annual petroleum use and emissions.
- The Total Cost of Ownership Calculator evaluates the net present value of operating and fixed costs over a new vehicle’s planned ownership period, as well as its lifetime petroleum use and emissions.
- The Fleet Energy and Emissions Footprint Calculator estimates the annual petroleum use and emissions of existing and new vehicles, accounting for older vehicles’ higher air pollutant emissions.
The AFLEET Tool requires Microsoft Excel to run and may be downloaded free from Argonne National Laboratory or accessed through the Alternative Fuels Data Center.
Courtesy of Clean Cities
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
November 2013 Question of the Month
Question of the Month: What are the key terms to know when discussing ethanol flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) and their fueling infrastructure?
Answer: It is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to FFVs. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you better understand these vehicles and the associated fueling infrastructure so that you can ask the right questions and make informed decisions.
FFV: An FFV is a vehicle that has an internal combustion engine and can run on E85 (defined below), gasoline, or a mixture of the two. Except for fuel system and powertrain adjustments that allow the vehicles to run on higher ethanol blends, FFVs are virtually identical to their conventional gasoline vehicle counterparts; however, drivers can expect a slightly lower fuel economy when driving on ethanol compared to gasoline, depending on the ethanol blend.
Types of Ethanol
Ethanol can be categorized into two main types based on the feedstocks used for its production:
Ethanol Blends
The following ethanol blends can be used in conventional gasoline vehicles (note model year restrictions for E15):
Low-level ethanol blends up to E10 have already been incorporated into the majority of the U.S. gasoline supply, and fueling stations that supply these blends are not required to update their fueling infrastructure. Ethanol blends above E10, however, do require specific ethanol-compatible equipment, including:
Most stations that dispense mid-level blends also have the following:
Additional information on FFVs, ethanol feedstocks, and infrastructure can be found on the AFDC Ethanol website (
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Answer: It is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to FFVs. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you better understand these vehicles and the associated fueling infrastructure so that you can ask the right questions and make informed decisions.
FFV: An FFV is a vehicle that has an internal combustion engine and can run on E85 (defined below), gasoline, or a mixture of the two. Except for fuel system and powertrain adjustments that allow the vehicles to run on higher ethanol blends, FFVs are virtually identical to their conventional gasoline vehicle counterparts; however, drivers can expect a slightly lower fuel economy when driving on ethanol compared to gasoline, depending on the ethanol blend.
Types of Ethanol
Ethanol can be categorized into two main types based on the feedstocks used for its production:
- Starch- and sugar-based ethanol: Produced from feedstocks like corn, wheat, milo, and sugarcane, starch- and sugar-based ethanol makes up the majority of all domestic ethanol production. In fact, corn is the most common ethanol feedstock in the United States. This type of ethanol is manufactured through dry- or wet-mill processing. More than 80% of ethanol plants are dry mills due to lower capital costs. Dry-milling consists of grinding corn into flour and fermenting the mixture, resulting in distiller grain and carbon dioxide co-products. Wet mills separate the starch, protein, and fiber in corn prior to processing these components into products, such as ethanol.
- Cellulosic ethanol: Produced from feedstocks like crop and wood residues, dedicated energy crops, and industrial and other wastes, cellulosic ethanol offers advantages over starch- and sugar-based feedstocks (e.g., no concerns with food versus fuel). Feedstock components include cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Because it is more challenging to extract sugars necessary for ethanol production from these feedstocks, cellulosic ethanol is more difficult to manufacture than starch- and sugar-based ethanol. This type of ethanol can be produced through two conversion pathways:
- Biochemical: Feedstocks are pretreated to release hemicellulose sugars and then undergo hydrolysis to break cellulose into sugars. Sugars are fermented into ethanol, and lignin is recovered and used to produce energy to power the process.
- Thermochemical: Heat and chemicals are added to feedstocks to create a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, also known as syngas. Syngas is then mixed with a catalyst to produce ethanol.
Ethanol Blends
The following ethanol blends can be used in conventional gasoline vehicles (note model year restrictions for E15):
- E10: (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline) – E10 is classified as "substantially similar" to gasoline by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is legal for use in any gasoline-powered vehicle. More than 95% of the U.S. gasoline supply contains up to 10% ethanol to boost octane, meet air quality requirements, or satisfy the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2), which calls for 36 billion gallons of biofuels to be blended into transportation fuel by 2022. E10 must meet ASTM D4806 fuel specifications. ASTM International develops specifications for conventional and alternative fuels to ensure proper vehicle operation and safety.
- E15: (15% ethanol, 85% gasoline) – E15 is legal for use in model year 2001 and newer vehicles; however, there are several EPA and state agency requirements and regulations stations must adhere to when selling E15. Fuel producers that market E15 are required to individually register with EPA. While E15 does not qualify as an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), it does help meet RFS2. E15 must meet fuel specifications laid out in ASTM D4806 and cannot be used in motorcycles, heavy-duty vehicles, off-road vehicles, or off-road equipment.
- Mid-level blends: Blender pumps (defined below) can create various other ethanol blends between E15 and E85 (also defined below). E20 (20% ethanol, 80% gasoline) and E30 (30% ethanol, 70% gasoline) are the most common blends selected. Mid-level ethanol blends must meet fuel specifications laid out in ASTM D7794.
- E85: E85 is considered an alternative fuel under EPAct and can contain 51% to 83% ethanol, depending on geography and season. This variance in ethanol content is allowed to ensure proper starting and vehicle performance in geographic locations where cold temperatures can affect fuel properties. Though dependent on the blend, drivers can expect about 27% less energy per gallon than gasoline, resulting in a corresponding reduction in fuel economy, when using E85. E85 must meet ASTM D5798 fuel specifications.
Low-level ethanol blends up to E10 have already been incorporated into the majority of the U.S. gasoline supply, and fueling stations that supply these blends are not required to update their fueling infrastructure. Ethanol blends above E10, however, do require specific ethanol-compatible equipment, including:
- Dispensers: E85 and blender pump dispensers require specialized metals and seals to perform with high concentrations of ethanol. Permitting authorities typically require all ethanol dispensers to be UL-listed for the ethanol blend dispensed.
- Hanging hardware: Hanging hardware, including hoses, nozzles, swivels, and breakaways used to dispense ethanol blends should use ethanol compatible materials. Permitting authorities typically require hanging hardware to be UL-listed for the ethanol blend dispensed.
- Storage tanks: EPA guidance allows underground storage tank (UST) manufacturers to provide a statement of compatibility for their products with specific biofuels blends. All tank manufacturers have issued statements of compatibility with ethanol blends. For a list of UST manufacturers and their ethanol-compatibility statements, please refer to the Clean Cities Handbook for Handling, Storing, and Dispensing E85 and Other Ethanol-Gasoline Blends (
Most stations that dispense mid-level blends also have the following:
- Blender pump: This type of fuel dispenser offers FFV owners a variety of ethanol-blended gasoline products between E15 and E85. Blender pumps draw fuel from two separate storage tanks (E10 and E85) and can dispense preprogrammed blends of those fuels. Blender pumps also may be used to dispense E15 legally. Note that blender pumps currently are offered only at select fueling stations and are mainly concentrated in the Midwest. The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Fueling Station Locator ( includes details about E85 stations with blender pump availability.
Additional information on FFVs, ethanol feedstocks, and infrastructure can be found on the AFDC Ethanol website (
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Clean Cities Launches iPhone App for Alternative Fueling Station Locations
![]() |
Alternative fuel stations in the palm of your hand. |
iPhone users now have access to a free app that locates fueling stations offering alternative fuels, including electricity, natural gas, biodiesel, E85, propane, and hydrogen. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) developed the new app for DOE’s Clean Cities program. It is available for download through Apple’s App Store.
The Alternative Fueling Station Locator app allows iPhone users to select an alternative fuel and find the 20 closest stations within a 30-mile radius. Users can view the locations on a map or as a list containing station addresses, phone numbers, and hours of operation.
“If you drive an electric vehicle, for example, you can now use your iPhone to easily identify, contact, and navigate to the charging station that is most convenient for you,” NREL Project Manager Trish Cozart said. “Generally, people don’t search for a station while they’re sitting at a computer; they need this information while they’re out and about, which makes a mobile application the ideal means to deliver it.”
The app draws information from Clean Cities’ Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC), which houses the most comprehensive, up-to-date database of alternative fueling stations in the United States. The database contains location and contact information for more than 15,000 alternative fueling stations throughout the country.
“The number of alternative fuel vehicles on the road has been increasing steadily over the last two decades,” Cozart said. “Drivers and fleets have an unprecedented array of options to cut or eliminate petroleum use, and this new app serves as one more tool to facilitate these transitions.”
The AFDC is a comprehensive clearinghouse of information about advanced transportation technologies. The site offers unbiased information, data, and tools related to the deployment of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles.
In addition to the iPhone app, the AFDC provides multiple ways to access and use its alternative fueling station data. The Alternative Fueling Station Locator functions as a “widget,” meaning that users can embed the tool onto their own websites. The data are also available via data feeds that developers can access and use in their own mobile and Web applications. Provided through NREL’s developer site, developers can retrieve the data via a Web services API (application programming interface).
Courtesy of Clean Cities
Thursday, October 31, 2013
October 2013 Question of the Month
Question of the Month: How have fleets benefited from alternative fuel use during emergency situations?
Answer: Another hurricane season is upon us. As such, we are reminded of the lessons learned from Superstorm Sandy, which made landfall near Atlantic City, New Jersey last October. Specifically, alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles were able to provide critical services and assist in recovery efforts when conventional vehicles were taken out of service due to fuel shortages and power outages at fueling stations.
It has been reported that more than 20% of conventional fueling stations had no fuel as many as 11 days after the storm. Meanwhile, alternative fuel fleets were still operating. For example, the compressed natural gas (CNG) Atlantic City Jitney minibuses were assisting with evacuation and the Oyster Bay CNG refuse and dump trucks were helping with clean-up efforts. Because CNG infrastructure is typically fueled by an underground pipeline, these stations are not as dependent on fuel delivery trucks for their supply. Therefore, these fleets were able to jump into action and provide support during a difficult time. CNG was not the only alternative fuel used during the Superstorm Sandy aftermath. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey continued their use of biodiesel blends without fuel supply interruptions. For a video summarizing the use of alternative fuel vehicles after Superstorm Sandy, see the following MotorWeek story:
Emergency situations can include natural disasters, such as hurricanes, flooding, tornados, earthquakes, and wildfires. However, they also include systems and infrastructure failures, pandemics, and physical or cyber attacks. To that end, the Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition in Phoenix, Arizona is working with the Arizona Department of Emergency Management to encourage fuel diversity in an area of the country that is vulnerable to fuel shortages due to pipeline ruptures.
How can we learn from these experiences?
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Answer: Another hurricane season is upon us. As such, we are reminded of the lessons learned from Superstorm Sandy, which made landfall near Atlantic City, New Jersey last October. Specifically, alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles were able to provide critical services and assist in recovery efforts when conventional vehicles were taken out of service due to fuel shortages and power outages at fueling stations.
It has been reported that more than 20% of conventional fueling stations had no fuel as many as 11 days after the storm. Meanwhile, alternative fuel fleets were still operating. For example, the compressed natural gas (CNG) Atlantic City Jitney minibuses were assisting with evacuation and the Oyster Bay CNG refuse and dump trucks were helping with clean-up efforts. Because CNG infrastructure is typically fueled by an underground pipeline, these stations are not as dependent on fuel delivery trucks for their supply. Therefore, these fleets were able to jump into action and provide support during a difficult time. CNG was not the only alternative fuel used during the Superstorm Sandy aftermath. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey continued their use of biodiesel blends without fuel supply interruptions. For a video summarizing the use of alternative fuel vehicles after Superstorm Sandy, see the following MotorWeek story:
Emergency situations can include natural disasters, such as hurricanes, flooding, tornados, earthquakes, and wildfires. However, they also include systems and infrastructure failures, pandemics, and physical or cyber attacks. To that end, the Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition in Phoenix, Arizona is working with the Arizona Department of Emergency Management to encourage fuel diversity in an area of the country that is vulnerable to fuel shortages due to pipeline ruptures.
How can we learn from these experiences?
- Incorporate alternative fuels into emergency planning efforts.
- Energy Assurance Plans. Through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) State Energy Assurance Program provided grants to 48 states to develop or update their Energy Assurance Plans. The goal of these plans is to ensure secure and reliable energy infrastructure that will allow for rapid restoration and recovery in the case of an emergency. As such, many state plans champion fuel diversity and include a shift to alternative transportation fuels to reduce petroleum demand, manage fuel supply, and maintain essential public needs during emergency situations. State energy offices are encouraged to revisit and update their plans frequently. As alternative fuel infrastructure expands in your area, Clean Cities coalitions are encouraged to get in touch with their state energy office to incorporate alternative fuels into their Energy Assurance Plan. For more information, see the DOE State Energy Assurance Program website: The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) Energy Assurance Planning website ( is also a useful resource.
- Disaster Preparedness Plans. In addition to energy planning, state offices and agencies of emergency management have overarching plans to manage emergency situations. Alternative fuel and advanced vehicles can also play an important role in these strategies. To find your state emergency management office, visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website:
- Work with stakeholders to educate them on the benefits of alternative fuels in emergency situations. Tell them the stories about alternative fuel use during Superstorm Sandy. Utilities, municipal governments, and refuse companies may be particularly interested in these lessons learned.
- Know where the available fueling infrastructure is. Using the Alternative Fueling Station Locator (, you can identify stations in your area and work with those station operators to determine whether they will be available during an emergency situation. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is collecting information from natural gas stations about generator availability, specifically those that could power compressors and other infrastructure during an outage. Initial results indicate that over 50% of planned and existing CNG and liquefied natural gas stations have access to a generator that can operate the station. Please note that information about generator availability at individual stations will not be available through the Fueling Station Locator. However, it will be used to assist DOE and others in developing federal, state, and local energy assurance and emergency preparedness plans that incorporate alternative fuels.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
New Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Guide
Today’s fleets are increasingly interested in medium- and heavy-duty vehicles that use alternative fuels or advanced technologies that can help reduce operating costs, meet emissions requirements, improve fleet sustainability, and support U.S. energy independence. Vehicle and engine manufacturers are responding to this interest with a wide range of options across a steadily growing number of vehicle applications.
This guide provides an overview of alternative fuel power systems-including engines, microturbines, and fuel cells- and hybrid propulsion systems. The guide also offers a brief overview of individual medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, listed by application. Notably, a transition to any alternative fuel or advanced technology is a long-term commitment that merits thoughtful research and planning, with attention to technical, economic, and geographical considerations. Clean Cities’ Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) offers a suite of tools that can aid a fleet in its analysis.
Clean Cities collects the vehicle information presented in this guide from multiple sources, including original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), conversion companies, and product literature. Diligent effort was made to contact all manufacturers that offer commercially available vehicles with alternative fuel or advanced technology options. Manufacturers are also invited to send comments, additions, or corrections related to any information contained in the guide by contacting the AFDC webmaster at The AFDC’s online heavy-duty vehicle database reflects product changes made or identified after publication.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
September 2013 Question of the Month
Question of the Month: What are the key terms to know when discussing electric drive vehicles and their fueling infrastructure?
Answer: It is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to electric drive vehicles. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you better understand these vehicles and the associated fueling (charging) infrastructure, so that you can ask the right questions and make informed decisions:
Vehicle Types
There are two main categories of electric drive vehicles:
Additional information on electric drive vehicles, infrastructure, and batteries can be found on the Alternative Fuels Data Center Electricity website (
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Answer: It is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to electric drive vehicles. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you better understand these vehicles and the associated fueling (charging) infrastructure, so that you can ask the right questions and make informed decisions:
Vehicle Types
There are two main categories of electric drive vehicles:
- Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are powered by an internal combustion engine or other propulsion source that runs on conventional or alternative fuel, as well as an electric motor that uses energy stored in a battery. The battery is charged through regenerative braking and by the internal combustion engine, and is not plugged in to charge. Regenerative breaking is a technology by which energy normally lost during braking is captured by the electric motor and stored in the battery for extra power during acceleration. There are two different types of HEVs:
- Mild hybrid: This type of HEV uses a battery and electric motor to help power the vehicle and can allow the engine to shut off when the vehicle stops (such as at traffic lights or in stop-and-go traffic). Mild hybrid systems cannot power the vehicle using electricity alone. Example: Chevrolet Malibu Eco
- Full hybrid: This type of HEV generally has more powerful electric motors and larger batteries, which can drive the vehicle on just electric power for short distances and at low speeds. Example: Toyota Prius
- Parallel: This configuration connects the engine and the electric motor to the wheels through mechanical coupling and allows both the electric motor and the engine to drive the wheels directly, either simultaneously or independently
- Series: In this configuration, only the electric motor drives the wheels. The internal combustion engine is used to generate electricity for the motor.
- Plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) refer to any on-road vehicle that can be charged through an external source of electricity. There are two different types of PEVs available
- Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV): Like HEVs, these vehicles are powered by an internal combustion engine that can run on conventional or alternative fuel, as well as an electric motor that uses energy stored in a battery. The difference is that these vehicles can be plugged into an electric power source to charge the battery. PHEVs can have a parallel or series design as well. Example: Chevy Volt
- Electric vehicle, or all-electric vehicle (EV): These vehicles use a battery to store the electric energy that powers the motor. EV batteries are charged by plugging the vehicle into an electric power source. EVs are sometimes referred to as battery electric vehicles (BEVs). Example: Nissan Leaf
- Neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV): These vehicles are smaller and have less battery power than traditional EVs, and are often referred to as low-speed vehicles. NEVs are confined to roads with lower speed limits and states set specific regulations regarding their use Infrastructure Terminology Charging equipment for PEVs is known as electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). Charging times vary based on how depleted the battery is, how much energy it holds, the type of battery, and the type of EVSE. Before exploring types of EVSE, it’s important to first understand the basics of electricity through the following terminology:
- Current type:
- Alternating current (AC): Movement of electric current that reverses or alternates direction. AC is the form of current normally generated and delivered by an electric utility to homes and businesses.
- Direct current (DC): Movement of electric current that continuously flows in the same direction. DC is the form of current normally delivered through batteries and is essential to charging vehicle batteries. As certain types of EVSE only provide AC (Level 1 and Level 2 described below), all PEVs are equipped with onboard equipment to convert the current to DC.
- Amperage: The amount of electrical current, which can be thought of as the rate of flow. Amperage is measured in amperes, commonly referred to as amps.
- Voltage: The electric potential energy per unit charge, which can be thought of as the force or pressure that drives the electric current. Voltage is measured in volts (V).
- By multiplying amperage by voltage, you can find the unit of power, otherwise known as watts (W). There are 1000 watts in a kilowatt (kW). A typical residential three-prong outlet can supply 12 amps at 120V, or 1.44 kW based on the following equation:
- PEV battery pack energy capacity is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). A kWh is a unit of energy that indicates the ability to provide a given amount of power for one hour. In theory, a 24 kWh battery pack would take 16.7 hours to charge using a standard 3-prong outlet based on the following equation:
Category | Basic Information | Connector(s) | Charge Time |
Level 1 |
| SAE J1772, NEMA 5-15 or NEMA 5-20 | 2 to 5 miles of range per hour of charging time to a light-duty PHEV or EV |
Level 2 |
| SAE J1772 | 10 to 20 miles of range per hour of charging time to a light-duty PHEV or EV |
Level 3 | Pending industry consensus on definition | Undefined | Undefined |
DC Fast |
| Three types:
| 60 to 80 miles of range to a light-duty PHEV or EV in 20 minutes |
Legacy "Paddle" Inductive |
| Small paddle or large paddle inductive | Varies |
Wireless Inductive |
| SAE J2954 (pending) | Undefined |
Additional information on electric drive vehicles, infrastructure, and batteries can be found on the Alternative Fuels Data Center Electricity website (
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Incentives for Electric Vehicle Chargers in CT
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DEEP and DOT partnership:
EVSE LLC is offering our stakeholders a discount on electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSEs). Contact Dan Shanahan at
To find out more about the state program visit EVConnecticut.
Last week on July 9, 2013, the DEEP held an electric vehicle expo that kicked off an EVSE initiative to increase the number of EVSEs in the state. One of our stakeholders was there and wanted to follow up with information on their EVSE manufactured in Connecticut…
It was great seeing everyone at Middlesex Community College this week. EVSE LLC, an EV charger manufacturer based in Enfield was impressed with the attendance and is extending discounts to help Commissioner Dan Esty and the state in doubling the number of EV chargers in CT.
Businesses and municipalities that are interested in participating in the EV Incentives program should email More information is available at
If you have employees with electric vehicles and need EV chargers please feel free to contact me at 860-916-7162 or
In addition to some funds from the state, EVSE LLC chargers can be purchased directly off CT DAS Contract 09PSX0014. This simplifies purchasing for cities, towns, state agencies, schools, state colleges and universities and quasi-public entities. For all Clean Cities coalition members we offer deep discounts! Call me at 860-916-7162.
EVSE LLC’s offers ceiling, wall and curbside Level 2 chargers with cable management that protect pedestrians from tripping accidents, are ADA compliant and protects cables from weather, vehicles and vandals. We are also a partner with ABB, a leading Fast Charger company with both SAE Combo and Chademo receptacles. Both EVSE and ABB chargers are networked on the Open Charge Protocol to ensure any EV drivers can access the chargers without a proprietary member cards. Open charging system networks are crucial to the Commissioner’s goal of reducing range anxiety; current charger networks are closed to members only which will leave many EV drivers stranded.
EVSE has installed chargers throughout CT and US—and our chargers are manufactured right here in CT. Some of our customers include Executive Valet near Bradley Airport, cities of New Haven and Bridgeport, United Illuminating, Norwich Public Utilities, Northeast Utilities, Goodwin College, Yale, Manchester Honda, Crowley Nissan, So. CT. State University, UCONN-Storrs, Westport Train Station and many others.
If you are planning to participate in this initiative feel free to contact me.
Remember to buy from a CT manufacturer to keep jobs here in CT.
Monday, August 26, 2013
August 2013 Question of the Month
Question of the Month: Where can I find case studies and other information about fleets that have successfully adopted alternative fuels and advanced vehicles?
Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Resources
The AFDC Case Studies search is a great resource for examples of what real fleets are doing related to alternative fuels. This page allows the user to search by category or keyword. Categories include fuels and technologies, such as biodiesel and idle reduction, as well as applications such as law enforcement and public transit. The Case Study search functionality was recently updated to provide a better search experience, so be sure to check it out.
Another useful tool is the AFDC Publications database. The publications database includes more detailed reports and case studies written by the national laboratories and other organizations regarding the implementation of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles in fleets. This page is also searchable by category or keyword.
Clean Cities Resources
The Clean Cities YouTube Channel is one of the newest Clean Cities tools. The channel features more than 200 case study videos, including MotorWeek Clean Cities Success Story segments, and other educational media for fleets. In addition, Clean Cities Now includes a “Fleet Experiences” section in each biannual publication. Each “Fleet Experiences” article contains information about a fleet that has successfully transitioned their fleet to alternative fuels.
Clean Cities coalitions are also great resources for information about the “real world” use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles at the local and regional level. The Clean Cities Coalition Contacts page provides a list of coalitions and their websites. Some coalitions post stakeholder fleet case studies on their websites or feature success stories in their newsletters.
Industry Associations and Publications
Some industry association websites also contain useful case studies that focus on the use of specific fuel and technology types. For example, the National Biodiesel Board “Market Segments” page provides examples of fleets using biodiesel in different applications, as well as stories on several “feature fleets.” Additionally, fleet publications such as Automotive Fleet and Green Fleet publish articles about fleets that are adopting alternative fuels and advanced vehicles.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Resources
The AFDC Case Studies search is a great resource for examples of what real fleets are doing related to alternative fuels. This page allows the user to search by category or keyword. Categories include fuels and technologies, such as biodiesel and idle reduction, as well as applications such as law enforcement and public transit. The Case Study search functionality was recently updated to provide a better search experience, so be sure to check it out.
Another useful tool is the AFDC Publications database. The publications database includes more detailed reports and case studies written by the national laboratories and other organizations regarding the implementation of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles in fleets. This page is also searchable by category or keyword.
Clean Cities Resources
The Clean Cities YouTube Channel is one of the newest Clean Cities tools. The channel features more than 200 case study videos, including MotorWeek Clean Cities Success Story segments, and other educational media for fleets. In addition, Clean Cities Now includes a “Fleet Experiences” section in each biannual publication. Each “Fleet Experiences” article contains information about a fleet that has successfully transitioned their fleet to alternative fuels.
Clean Cities coalitions are also great resources for information about the “real world” use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles at the local and regional level. The Clean Cities Coalition Contacts page provides a list of coalitions and their websites. Some coalitions post stakeholder fleet case studies on their websites or feature success stories in their newsletters.
Industry Associations and Publications
Some industry association websites also contain useful case studies that focus on the use of specific fuel and technology types. For example, the National Biodiesel Board “Market Segments” page provides examples of fleets using biodiesel in different applications, as well as stories on several “feature fleets.” Additionally, fleet publications such as Automotive Fleet and Green Fleet publish articles about fleets that are adopting alternative fuels and advanced vehicles.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
EPA Finalizes 2013 Renewable Fuel Standards
EPA Finalizes 2013 Renewable Fuel Standards to Help Promote American Energy Independence, Reduce Carbon Pollution
EPA also announces steps to address concerns about the E10 blend wall
WASHINGTON – As part of an ongoing effort to enhance energy security and reduce carbon pollution, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today finalized the 2013 percentage standards for four fuel categories that are part of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program established by Congress. Most of these fuels are produced by American farmers and growers domestically and help reduce the carbon pollution that contributes to climate change.
The final 2013 overall volumes and standards require 16.55 billion gallons of renewable fuels to be blended into the U.S.fuel supply (a 9.74 percent blend). This standard specifically requires:
• Biomass-based diesel (1.28 billion gallons; 1.13 percent)
• Advanced biofuels (2.75 billion gallons; 1.62 percent)
• Cellulosic biofuels (6.00 million gallons; 0.004 percent)
These standards reflect EPA’s updated production projections, which are informed by extensive engagement with industry and a thorough assessment of the biofuels market.
During this rulemaking, EPA received comments from a number of stakeholders concerning the “E10 blend wall.” Projected to occur in 2014, the “E10 blend wall” refers to the difficulty in incorporating ethanol into the fuel supply at volumes exceeding those achieved by the sale of nearly all gasoline as E10. Most gasoline sold in the U.S. today is E10. In the rule issued today, EPA is announcing that it will propose to use flexibilities in the RFS statute to reduce both the advanced biofuel and total renewable volumes in the forthcoming 2014 RFS volume requirement proposal.
EPA is also providing greater lead time and flexibility in complying with the 2013 volume requirements by extending the deadline to comply with the 2013 standards by four months, to June 30, 2014.
A January 2013 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals required the agency to reevaluate projections for cellulosic biofuel to reflect market conditions; the final 2013 standard for cellulosic biofuel announced today was developed in a manner consistent with the approach outlined in that ruling.
The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) established the RFS program and the annual renewable fuel volume targets, which steadily increase to an overall level of 36 billion gallons in 2022. To achieve these volumes, EPA calculates a percentage-based standard for the following year. Based on the standard, each refiner and importer determines the minimum volume of renewable fuel that it must ensure is used in its transportation fuel.
More information on the standards and regulations:
More information on renewable fuels:
EPA also announces steps to address concerns about the E10 blend wall
WASHINGTON – As part of an ongoing effort to enhance energy security and reduce carbon pollution, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today finalized the 2013 percentage standards for four fuel categories that are part of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program established by Congress. Most of these fuels are produced by American farmers and growers domestically and help reduce the carbon pollution that contributes to climate change.
The final 2013 overall volumes and standards require 16.55 billion gallons of renewable fuels to be blended into the U.S.fuel supply (a 9.74 percent blend). This standard specifically requires:
• Biomass-based diesel (1.28 billion gallons; 1.13 percent)
• Advanced biofuels (2.75 billion gallons; 1.62 percent)
• Cellulosic biofuels (6.00 million gallons; 0.004 percent)
These standards reflect EPA’s updated production projections, which are informed by extensive engagement with industry and a thorough assessment of the biofuels market.
During this rulemaking, EPA received comments from a number of stakeholders concerning the “E10 blend wall.” Projected to occur in 2014, the “E10 blend wall” refers to the difficulty in incorporating ethanol into the fuel supply at volumes exceeding those achieved by the sale of nearly all gasoline as E10. Most gasoline sold in the U.S. today is E10. In the rule issued today, EPA is announcing that it will propose to use flexibilities in the RFS statute to reduce both the advanced biofuel and total renewable volumes in the forthcoming 2014 RFS volume requirement proposal.
EPA is also providing greater lead time and flexibility in complying with the 2013 volume requirements by extending the deadline to comply with the 2013 standards by four months, to June 30, 2014.
A January 2013 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals required the agency to reevaluate projections for cellulosic biofuel to reflect market conditions; the final 2013 standard for cellulosic biofuel announced today was developed in a manner consistent with the approach outlined in that ruling.
The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) established the RFS program and the annual renewable fuel volume targets, which steadily increase to an overall level of 36 billion gallons in 2022. To achieve these volumes, EPA calculates a percentage-based standard for the following year. Based on the standard, each refiner and importer determines the minimum volume of renewable fuel that it must ensure is used in its transportation fuel.
More information on the standards and regulations:
More information on renewable fuels:
Friday, August 2, 2013
Proterra All Electric Bus Visits CT DOT
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Proterra EcoRide™ BE35 is an all electric bus. |
Newington, CT – Today at the Connecticut Department of Transportation Office, a new type of bus was shown and test driven. The Proterra EcoRide™ BE35 is an all electric bus. It will be expanding its public service this year to six transit authorities. It has already been in use for about a year now at Foothill Transit in the San Gabriel Valley northeast of Los Angeles, and it has been featured on Jay Leno’s Garage channel. Also the Worcester (MA) Regional Transit Authority will receive three transit buses along with the on-route charging station provided by a $4.4-million Federal Transit Authority Clean Fuels grant.
Proterra’s on-route fast charge system allows the bus to “automatically connect to an overhead system that links the bus to a high-capacity charger without driver involvement. The bus is then rapidly charged in 5-10 minutes while passengers load and unload,” as stated on the company’s website.
The composite body of the bus reduces the weight of the bus by 20-40% of a traditional steel or aluminum transit bus while still being crash and element resistant meaning more batteries can be added without going over weight. The battery cells sit on the bottom of the bus to give even weight distribution and a low center of gravity.
The ride on the bus was very quiet. The noise only noise came from the air conditioner’s compressor, which the company says they are working to reduce that noise as well. There was absolutely no diesel smell, in fact, one rider said “it has a new car smell.”
The bus is the first of its kind to pass the rigorous testing of the Altoona Bus Research and Testing Center. “The technology is proven; out company is performing and winning orders as a result,” says Garrett Mikita, president and CEO of Proterra, Greenville, SC.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
EVConnecticut state program and EVSE LLC discount
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DEEP and DOT partnership |
EVSE LLC is offering our stakeholders a discount on electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSEs). Check out the flyer EVConnecticutLaunch for more details and contact Dan Shanahan at
To find out more about the state program visit EVConnecticut.
EVSE LLC cable management at Southern Connecticut State University |
CT Clean Cities Future Fuels Update
Greater New Haven Clean Cities was awarded an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant. The grant included $13.1 million in federal funding through the U.S. Department of Energy and $16.6 million in non-federal funds provided by over 30 partner organizations. The collaboration will lead to development and implementation of a state-wide fuel neutral effort that will deploy 267 alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and 5 public access and 5 private fleet access fueling stations as part of the Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuels Project. You can learn more at the project’s website,
If you are interested in finding out more about what alternative fuels are best for your fleet visit or email Lee Grannis at
Below are graphs and charts that illustrate the Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuel results as of June 30, 2013.
The project consists of 7 compressed natural gas (CNG) stations of which 4 are public access stations and 3 are fleet only access stations, 1 liquefied natural gas (LNG) with CNG station where the LNG side is fleet only access, but the CNG is public access, 1 fleet only access biodiesel station of B20, and electric charging stations with 4 as public use and 4 for fleet only use.
The graph above illustrates how much fuel was used by vehicles that were obtained as part of the project and fuel used by vehicles that companies outside of the project purchased because it made economic sense to do so. This graph shows that businesses are finding it beneficial to switch their fleet from traditional petroleum fuel to alternative fuels. Below are the numbers as to the number and type of vehicles obtained through the project.
The graph below gives the number of miles driven by in project vehicles by quarter. Thus far in the project over 20.2 million miles have been driven by these alternative fuel vehicles.
If you would like to find out more, please visit the project website: If you are interested in finding out more about what alternative fuels are best for your fleet visit
If you are interested in finding out more about what alternative fuels are best for your fleet visit or email Lee Grannis at
Below are graphs and charts that illustrate the Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuel results as of June 30, 2013.
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This is total fuel sales from the beginning of the Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuels Project Q1 of FY 2011 through Q3 FY 2013. |
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Fuel sales for natural gas separated into CNG and LNG sales of in-project vehicles and out-of-project vehicles. Data from the Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuels Project. |
The graph above illustrates how much fuel was used by vehicles that were obtained as part of the project and fuel used by vehicles that companies outside of the project purchased because it made economic sense to do so. This graph shows that businesses are finding it beneficial to switch their fleet from traditional petroleum fuel to alternative fuels. Below are the numbers as to the number and type of vehicles obtained through the project.
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Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuels Project vehicles by type and class. |
The graph below gives the number of miles driven by in project vehicles by quarter. Thus far in the project over 20.2 million miles have been driven by these alternative fuel vehicles.
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Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuels Project vehicles cumulative miles driven by quarter. |
If you would like to find out more, please visit the project website: If you are interested in finding out more about what alternative fuels are best for your fleet visit
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
July 2013 Question of the Month
Question of the Month: What are the key terms to know when discussing natural gas vehicles (NGVs) and their fueling infrastructure?
Answer: As with all alternative fuels, it is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to natural gas. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you better understand NGVs and the associated fueling infrastructure, so that you can ask the right questions and make informed decisions:
Fuel Types
Vehicle Types
Fuel Measurement and Characteristics
Station Components
CNG Infrastructure Types
Additional information on natural gas production and distribution, NGVs, and natural gas infrastructure can be found on the Alternative Fuel Data Center website. The NGVAmerica website also provides a wealth of information on natural gas and NGVs.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
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Enviro Express of Bridgeport, CT build a L/CNG station where they fuel their natural gas vehicles. |
Answer: As with all alternative fuels, it is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to natural gas. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you better understand NGVs and the associated fueling infrastructure, so that you can ask the right questions and make informed decisions:
Fuel Types
- Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): CNG is one of two forms of natural gas used to power vehicles. CNG is a gaseous fuel stored in a cylinder on the vehicle at a high pressure (see “psi” below). It may be kept in the vehicle cylinder for long periods of time without venting. A CNG vehicle gets about the same fuel economy as a conventional gasoline vehicle on a gasoline gallon equivalent basis (see “GGE” below). CNG is used in light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicle applications.
- Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG): LNG is produced by super-cooling natural gas to negative 260°F in order to convert it to a liquid. The fuel is stored in a double-walled, vacuum-sealed pressure vessel. LNG is appropriate for trucks and other heavy-duty applications that require a long range because liquid is more dense than gas (CNG) and more energy can be stored by volume in the vehicle’s tank. LNG stored in a vehicle will increase in temperature and pressure over time and vent; therefore, LNG should be used within a week or two of fueling.
- Renewable Natural Gas (RNG): Also known as biogas or biomethane, this emerging fuel source is derived from decaying organic materials, such as waste from plants, landfills, wastewater, and livestock. After purification, RNG may be compressed or liquefied to fuel vehicles.
Vehicle Types
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The Town of Glastonbury has CNG light duty vehicles that they fuel at their own CNG station. |
- Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV): There are three different types of NGVs available:
- Dedicated Vehicle: Dedicated vehicles are designed to run only on natural gas and are used in both light-duty and heavy-duty applications. In general, dedicated NGVs demonstrate better performance and have lower emissions than bi-fuel vehicles (see below).
- Bi-fuel Vehicle: These vehicles are able to run on either natural gas or gasoline because they have two separate fueling systems. Bi-fuel vehicles are typically light-duty models.
- Dual-fuel Vehicle: These vehicles are traditionally used in heavy-duty applications and have fuel systems that run on natural gas, but use diesel fuel for ignition.
Fuel Measurement and Characteristics
- CNG and LNG may be measured in:
- Gasoline Gallon Equivalents (GGE): A unit of measure that represents the quantity of fuel that contains the same amount of energy as one gallon of gasoline. Measuring fuel in GGEs is a good way of comparing natural gas to gasoline, particularly when looking at fuel price or range. A GGE is equal to about 5.66 pounds of CNG and 1.55 gallons of LNG.
- Diesel Gallon Equivalent (DGE): A unit of measure that represents the quantity of fuel that contains the same amount of energy as one gallon of diesel. A DGE is equal to about 6.34 pounds of CNG and 1.72 gallons of LNG.
- CNG is also measured in:
- Cubic feet (ft3): CNG is a gas, so it may be measured by volume. MCF represents 1,000 cubic feet.
- Pounds (lbs.): CNG may also be measured in mass. Approximately 21 cubic feet of CNG equals one pound.
- LNG is also measured in gallons, much like gasoline or diesel.
- Pounds per Square Inch (psi): Psi is a measurement of the CNG pressure when it is stored in a dispenser or vehicle cylinder. CNG is typically stored onboard a vehicle at a pressure of 3,000 to 3,600 psi. The vehicle psi rating is important because it indicates the psi that the fuel system, vehicle cylinder, and the safety hardware are capable of handling safely.
Station Components
- CNG stations have the following components:
- Compressor: The device used to compress CNG to a high pressure.
- Storage Tank: Once the gas is compressed, the CNG is moved to storage vessel(s) or tank(s) specially designed for the fuel.
- Temperature Compensation: The temperature of CNG is important because it affects the density and energy per unit volume of the fuel. At higher temperatures, CNG expands and becomes less dense, causing it to contain less energy per unit volume as it would at a lower temperature. The temperature compensation devices ensure that the CNG is delivered to the vehicle at the appropriate temperature.
- Dispenser: The device used to transfer CNG into a vehicle’s tank. A CNG typically dispenser displays the pressure and temperature at which the tank is being filled and then calculates the amount of fuel being delivered.
- LNG stations also have storage tanks and dispensers, but do not require a compressor or temperature compensation devices.
CNG Infrastructure Types
- The following are two different types of CNG infrastructure:
- Fast-fill: Drivers fueling their vehicles at a fast-fill station can fill up in approximately the same amount of time as a conventional vehicle at a gasoline or diesel station. This set-up is best suited for retail stations, where vehicles arrive in need of a quick fill, and CNG can be dispensed alongside gasoline or other fuel dispensers. Fast-fill stations receive low-pressure fuel from the local utility line and employ a compressor on site. Once compressed, the CNG is stored at high pressures so it can be delivered quickly to a vehicle. As such, fast-fill stations may have smaller compressors but a larger storage capacity than time-fill stations.
- Time-fill: At a time-fill station, a vehicle may take several minutes to many hours to fill up; the time depends on the number of vehicles fueling, compressor size, and storage. Time-fill stations are typically used for fleets with central refueling locations or private stations that allow vehicles to fill up overnight. Time-fill stations can also work for smaller applications, such as residential fueling infrastructure. The fuel is also drawn from a local utility line into a compressor on site. Time-fill stations may have larger compressors and the vehicles are generally filled directly from the compressor, not from fuel stored in tanks. Time-fill stations have an advantage over fast-fill stations in that their heat of recompression is less so that vehicles at these stations usually get a fuller tank of fuel than with fast-fill.
Additional information on natural gas production and distribution, NGVs, and natural gas infrastructure can be found on the Alternative Fuel Data Center website. The NGVAmerica website also provides a wealth of information on natural gas and NGVs.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Monday, June 17, 2013
June 2013 Question of the Month
Question of the Month: What are the requirements for state and alternative fuel provider fleets under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct 1992) and subsequent regulations and directives?
EPAct 1992 mandates that certain state government and alternative fuel provider fleets in the United States acquire specified percentages of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) on an annual basis as they add light-duty vehicles (LDVs) to their fleets. Below we have described a number of means beyond simply acquiring AFVs by which these fleets may achieve compliance.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for overseeing compliance with these requirements, which were promulgated and published at 10 CFR Part 490 as the Alternative Fuel Transportation Program. Information about state and alternative fuel provider “covered fleets” (fleets subject to EPAct 1992 requirements) and the requirements associated with this compliance program are outlined below for each fleet type.
State Fleets
Covered Fleets
State government (including state agency and state university) fleets are considered covered fleets if all of the following conditions are met:
The following resources may be used to determine whether a state fleet is covered:
Like federal fleets regulated under EPAct 1992, a covered state fleet must acquire in a model year the number of AFVs that is equal to at least 75% of the fleet’s non-excluded LDV acquisitions.
Compliance Methods
Covered state fleets may meet their requirements using multiple means through one of two compliance methods:
For a summary of compliance methods, visit the following website:
Inclusion of Hybrid Electric and Plug-in Electric Vehicles
Currently, all-electric vehicles (EVs) and some plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) qualify as AFVs under Standard Compliance. DOE published a notice of proposed rulemaking in October 2011, pursuant to Section 133 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, that would allocate AFV credits for covered fleet acquisitions of the following vehicles:
For more information on this proposed rulemaking, please see the proposed rule fact sheet ( and the full notice (
Alternative Fuel Provider Fleets
Covered Fleets
A covered alternative fuel provider is any entity that meets one of the following conditions:
An alternative fuel provider is not covered if its principal business involves:
In addition to meeting this definition, alternative fuel provider fleets are also subject to the same conditions for inclusion as state fleets (see above). For example, if a fleet does not own, operate, lease, or otherwise control at least 50 non-excluded LDVs, then it is not considered a covered fleet.
The Decision Tree for Alternative Fuel Provider Fleets ( may be used to determine whether an alternative fuel provider fleet is covered.
A covered alternative fuel provider fleet must acquire in a model year the number of AFVs that is equal to at least 90% of the fleet’s non-excluded LDV acquisitions.
Compliance Methods
Covered alternative fuel provider fleets have the same options for achieving compliance as state fleets.
Additional information on state and alternative fuel provider requirements and compliance options, as well the annual reporting requirements, may be found on DOE’s EPAct Transportation Regulatory Activities website ( In addition, the online Clean Cities University course on Understanding EPAct-Regulated Fleets ( provides an overview of state and alternative fuel provider requirements.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
EPAct 1992 mandates that certain state government and alternative fuel provider fleets in the United States acquire specified percentages of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) on an annual basis as they add light-duty vehicles (LDVs) to their fleets. Below we have described a number of means beyond simply acquiring AFVs by which these fleets may achieve compliance.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for overseeing compliance with these requirements, which were promulgated and published at 10 CFR Part 490 as the Alternative Fuel Transportation Program. Information about state and alternative fuel provider “covered fleets” (fleets subject to EPAct 1992 requirements) and the requirements associated with this compliance program are outlined below for each fleet type.
State Fleets
Covered Fleets
State government (including state agency and state university) fleets are considered covered fleets if all of the following conditions are met:
- They own, operate, lease, or otherwise control 50 or more light-duty vehicles (LDVs; vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 8,500 pounds or less) within the United States and are not on the list of excluded vehicles. Excluded vehicles include emergency, law enforcement, and non-road vehicles;
- At least 20 of those vehicles are used primarily within a single metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated MSA (CMSA), based on 1980 census data. A list of covered MSA/CMSAs can be found online:; and
- Those same 20 vehicles are centrally fueled or capable of being centrally fueled, meaning they are capable of being fueled at least 75% of the time at a location that is owned, operated, or controlled by the fleet or is under contract with that fleet for fueling purposes.
The following resources may be used to determine whether a state fleet is covered:
- Decision Tree for State Government Fleets:
- State Government Fleet Compliance with the Energy Policy Act of 1992: Self-Audit Procedures:
Like federal fleets regulated under EPAct 1992, a covered state fleet must acquire in a model year the number of AFVs that is equal to at least 75% of the fleet’s non-excluded LDV acquisitions.
Compliance Methods
Covered state fleets may meet their requirements using multiple means through one of two compliance methods:
- Standard Compliance: Fleets can acquire the requisite number of new or used AFVs, convert conventional vehicles to run on an alternative fuel within four months of acquisition, or obtain AFV credits from other covered fleets. Covered fleets earn one credit for each light-duty AFV that is acquired beyond the fleet’s annual requirement for the model year. Credits earned by going beyond compliance are banked for future use. Credits may also be traded with other fleets. Covered fleets may also meet up to 50% of their AFV-acquisition requirements by purchasing biodiesel blends of at least B20 for use in medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. One credit toward compliance is earned for every 450 gallons of neat biodiesel (B100) or every 2,250 gallons of B20 purchased for use. Credits earned for biodiesel purchase for use may not be banked. In addition, a fleet may earn credits for its medium- and heavy-duty AFV acquisitions, but only after the fleet has met its light-duty AFV acquisition requirements.
- Alternative Compliance: Covered fleets may obtain a waiver from the AFV acquisition requirements of Standard Compliance by submitting and then implementing a DOE- approved plan to reduce the fleet’s annual petroleum consumption. The plan must result in petroleum reductions equal to what the fleet would have achieved if all its AFVs were running on alternative fuel all the time. The plan must also include a sufficient level of data and information to support the fleet’s compliance requirements, particularly information on fuel use. Alternative Compliance petroleum reduction methods include, among others, hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) use, alternative fuel use, reduction in vehicle miles traveled, idle-time reduction, and truck stop electrification.
For a summary of compliance methods, visit the following website:
Inclusion of Hybrid Electric and Plug-in Electric Vehicles
Currently, all-electric vehicles (EVs) and some plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) qualify as AFVs under Standard Compliance. DOE published a notice of proposed rulemaking in October 2011, pursuant to Section 133 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, that would allocate AFV credits for covered fleet acquisitions of the following vehicles:
- HEVs would receive one-half credit
- PHEVs (those that do not already meet the definition of an AFV) would receive one-half credit
- Fuel cell electric vehicles (those that do not already meet the definition of an AFV) would receive one-half credit
- Neighborhood electric vehicles would receive one-fourth credit
For more information on this proposed rulemaking, please see the proposed rule fact sheet ( and the full notice (
Alternative Fuel Provider Fleets
Covered Fleets
A covered alternative fuel provider is any entity that meets one of the following conditions:
- The entity’s principle business involves producing, storing, refining, processing, transporting, distributing, importing, or selling any alternative fuel (other than electricity);
- The entity’s principle business involves generating, transmitting, importing, or selling electricity at wholesale or retail; or
- The entity produces, imports, or produces and imports in combination, an average of 50,000 barrels per day or more of petroleum, and 30% or more of its gross annual revenues are derived from producing alternative fuels.
An alternative fuel provider is not covered if its principal business involves:
- Transforming alternative fuels into products that are not alternative fuels; or
- Using alternative fuel as a feedstock, or fuel, in the manufacturing of products that are not alternative fuels.
In addition to meeting this definition, alternative fuel provider fleets are also subject to the same conditions for inclusion as state fleets (see above). For example, if a fleet does not own, operate, lease, or otherwise control at least 50 non-excluded LDVs, then it is not considered a covered fleet.
The Decision Tree for Alternative Fuel Provider Fleets ( may be used to determine whether an alternative fuel provider fleet is covered.
A covered alternative fuel provider fleet must acquire in a model year the number of AFVs that is equal to at least 90% of the fleet’s non-excluded LDV acquisitions.
Compliance Methods
Covered alternative fuel provider fleets have the same options for achieving compliance as state fleets.
* * *
Additional information on state and alternative fuel provider requirements and compliance options, as well the annual reporting requirements, may be found on DOE’s EPAct Transportation Regulatory Activities website ( In addition, the online Clean Cities University course on Understanding EPAct-Regulated Fleets ( provides an overview of state and alternative fuel provider requirements.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Monday, April 22, 2013
April 2013 Question of the Month
Question of the Month: What are the federal emissions and fuel economy standards for current and future on-road vehicles? Have any related emissions and fuel regulations been passed recently?
Answer: Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards and the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards set requirements for new light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicle models with the goal of improving the overall fuel efficiency and environmental impact. Fuel economy standards for light-duty vehicles were introduced in the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) of 1975; regulations were established for on-road vehicles beginning with Model Year (MY) 1978. EPCA grants the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) the authority to regulate CAFE standards, with the requirement that new standards may not be proposed more than five model years at a time.
In 2010, NHTSA partnered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue the first joint program that includes both fuel economy requirements under NHTSA’s CAFE program and emissions standards under EPA’s GHG emissions program. Starting with MY 2012 vehicles, manufacturers are required to improve fleet-wide fuel economy and reduce fleet-wide GHG emissions by approximately 5% each year. By 2016, vehicles must meet an estimated combined average emissions level of no more than 250 grams of carbon dioxide per mile. If the industry met this carbon dioxide standard solely through fuel economy improvements, vehicles would have an average fuel economy of 35.5 miles per gallon (mpg). For more information, see the EPA fact sheet:
NHTSA and EPA established the CAFE and GHG emissions standards for MY 2017 through MY 2025 passenger cars and light-duty trucks in 2012 in two phases, which are broken down as follows:
Model Years
Average Fleet-Wide Fuel Economy
| |
Phase 1
MY 2017-MY 2021
40.3-41.0 mpg (by MY 2021)
Phase 2*
MY 2022-MY 2025
48.7-49.7 mpg (by MY 2025)
*Proposed, pending final rule
For more information, refer to the EPA fact sheet.
In 2011, NHTSA and EPA set the first-ever standards to reduce GHG emissions and improve fuel efficiency of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 10,000 pounds). The standards cover MY 2014 through MY 2018 on-road vehicles and are tailored to each of three main regulatory subcategories:
· Combination tractors (also known as semi trucks);
· Heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans; and
· Vocational vehicles (such as delivery, refuse, and tow trucks; transit, shuttle, and school buses; and emergency vehicles).
The requirements provide flexibility through an emissions and fuel consumption credit system to help reduce the overall costs of the program and to allow manufacturers time to make necessary technological improvements.
For more information on fuel economy and GHG emissions standards, refer to the NHTSA CAFE – Fuel Economy, EPA Transportation and Climate, websites.
On March 29, 2013, EPA announced their Tier 3 Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards Program, which includes more stringent tailpipe emissions standards for non-methane organic gas (NMOG), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM); more stringent evaporative vehicle emissions; and lower sulfur content of gasoline. This proposal aligns vehicle standards with the GHG emissions standards outlined above, as well as the California Low Emission Vehicle Program, allowing automakers to sell the same vehicle models in every state. The standards would apply to light-duty trucks, medium-duty passenger vehicles, and some heavy-duty vehicles and include different phase-in schedules based on vehicle class from MY 2017 to MY 2025. The proposed gasoline sulfur standard would make emission control systems more effective for both existing and new vehicles. For more information, refer to the proposed rule and the EPA Tier 3 Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards Program website.
For more up-to-date information about federal and state vehicle standards, refer to the Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Federal Incentives and Laws website.
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