Our mission is to increase energy security, reduce dependence on petroleum, improve air quality, support economic development by promoting alternative transportation fuels and vehicles through a public/private partnership of stakeholders.
We are a designated coalition in the U.S. Department of Energy's national Clean Cities vehicle deployment program all working together by supporting local decisions to adopt practices and procedures that contribute to the reduction of petroleum consumption.
Clean Cities
Mission: Clean Cities advances the energy, economic, and environmental security of the United States by supporting local actions to reduce petroleum use in transportation.
Clean Cities carries out this mission through a network of nearly 100 volunteer coalitions, which develop public/private partnerships to promote alternative fuels and vehicles, fuel blends, fuel economy, hybrid vehicles, and idle reduction. The GNHCCC and coalitions across the country are made up of local and state government agencies, private companies, non-profit organizations, and interested individuals who are dedicated to leading the way towards the use of alternative fuels/vehicles (AFVs), advanced technology vehicles, fuel economy and idle reduction technology.
The City of New Haven was designated a Clean Cities Coalition in the Fall of 1995 by the U.S. Department of Energy. In the years that have followed, the coalition’s geographic area expanded to include New Haven County, and the coalition's name was changed to the Greater New Haven Clean Cities Coalition, Inc. The coalition became an incorporated non-profit.
Coordinator: Lee Grannis
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