Tuesday, September 13, 2011

West Haven's First CNG fueling station at Metro Taxi

CNG Fuel Station 

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The City of West Haven is celebrating the opening of the cities’ first Compressed Natural Gas fleet fueling station at the headquarters of Metro Taxi. The Clean Energy station will provide fleet and public fueling of CNG and is the first station in Connecticut built by Clean Energy. This opening marks a significant advance forward for Alternative Fuels in the state of Connecticut and the entire Northeast Region.

Metro Taxi operates the largest taxi fleet in the state and, as part of this new station opening, will also be launching the first in-state fleet of purpose-built, wheelchair friendly, ADA compliant, low emission taxis known as the “MV-1”, ready to serve the Disability Community. In addition to the MV-1, Metro Taxi will launch into service CNG-fueled Ford Transit Connects and Honda Civics. By year’s end, Metro Taxi will deploy 110 new CNG taxis as part of the project.

The fleet of 110 taxis will replace over 500,000 gallons of gasoline annually with clean burning CNG. The total project costs of $5.9M represents a significant investment from project partners Clean Energy and Metro Taxi of $4.1M or 69% of the total and the remaining $1.8M from the USDOE.

Join us for our ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the fourth of many alternative fuel initiatives for Connecticut as we continue to make our state "greener." The West Haven project is one of the many collaborations under the Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuels Project, awarded to the Greater New Haven Clean Cities Coalition. This project is funded in part by the USDOE through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

When:     Monday, September 26, 2011

Where:    65 Industry Drive, West Haven

Time:      10:00 a.m. EDT

Click here to RSVP
or call Carla York at 423.802.6190.

Alternative Fuels and Advanced Technology Vehicles Expo 2011

For Immediate Release

For Media Information Contact:
Nancy Wuennemann
Carla York


Clean Cities Announces Clean Fuels Expo

Wallingford Selected as Showcase Venue for

Alternative Fuels Technology Event

(August 15, 2011)—The Connecticut Clean Cities Coalitions announced today their upcoming Alternative Fuels and Advanced Technology Vehicles Expo at the Mountain Ridge Events Center in Wallingford, Connecticut – Tuesday September 27, 2011 from 9 am to 3:30 pm. Onsite registration pick-up is set for 8-9 am.
This one-day event features a variety of presentations and addresses designed to inform and help Connecticut area businesses to make informed decisions to start the deployment of alternative fuel vehicles into their daily business practices. Registration is FREE, but necessary for accountability purposes – please visit www.ct-cleancitiesexpo.com.
In addition to addresses and presentations, expo attendees will be offered the opportunity to be stakeholders in their local Clean Cities Coalition. Clean Cities stakeholders will be encouraged to commit to investigating ways of integrating alternative fuels and vehicles into their businesses, and to act as advocates for the goals of the Department of Energy’s Clean Cities programs and
its local coalitions. Presenters will address a variety of alternative fuels and corresponding vehicle power trains that make up the emerging alternative fuel and AFV market.
In return for their commitment to the Clean Cities programs, stakeholders will receive a variety of benefits, free of charge. Specific advantages to being a Clean Cities stakeholder include assistance in pursuing grants that are appropriate for their needs, publicity, networking opportunities and access to relevant technical information on alternative fuels market development, infrastructure and AFVs along with emerging advances vehicle issues.
“This is a great opportunity for Connecticut area businesses and organizations to expand our message. We (the coalitions) offer interested parties the opportunity to speak with one voice on issues of energy independence, reduce mobile source emissions , the transportation environmental justice, and adoption of new and advanced technology in the mass transit and fleet transportation sectors,” said Norwich Clean Cities Coalition Coordinator, Pete Polubiatko. “All interested parties are welcome to attend the Connecticut Clean Cities Expo and find out more about our collective organizations,” he added.
Brought to you by all four of the Connecticut Clean Cities organizations, (Southwestern Connecticut, Greater New Haven, Norwich and Capitol [covering the greater Hartford area]), the Expo’s panel of alternative fuel experts will discuss 2010-2011 achievements and accomplishments of the Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuels Project, (CTCCFF), a $29 million program, funded through a public private partnership; a grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, funded by the Department of Energy and non-public funds provided by members of the project team. This year at the Expo, two special breakout sessions will be offered for First Responders as part of the CTCCFF, bringing another opportunity for First Responders to learn about the new AFVs being deployed across the state.
The CTCCFF project represents the largest project of its kind in the history of the state and involves a variety of alternative fuels including Compressed Natural Gas, Liquefied Natural Gas, Hydrogen, Biodiesel and High Capacity Electric Charging. CTCCFF Project grants are providing funding for the four year, alternative fuels project servicing more than 30 partners, 10 alternative fuel
stations, and more than 250 alternative fuel vehicles throughout the state. In addition presenters will talk to the audience about what the future holds and a variety of ways to increase their “Return on Investment (ROI) by the use alternative fuels and vehicles in an ever increasing era of conventional fuels costs.

For more information about the Expo, contact Nancy Wuennemann at 860.659.2278 or visit www.ct-cleancitiesexpo.com.

For more information about the Connecticut Clean Cities Future Fuels Project contact Carla York at 703-931-1410 or visit

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Connecticut Clean Cities Expo Location Change

The Connecticut Clean Cities Expo has a new location:
MountainRidge Events Center
350A High Hill Road
Wallingford, CT 06492

Please remember to register for free and pay for lunch on line at the EXPO web site